But here is that thing about that formula. The game does not
Traveller AR is a sci-fi MMORPG from Ingz based on the acclaimed Traveller pen & paper RPG, bringing that classic universe right to your iPhone. TAR is full of unique features for an iPhone game. SOLO should be in every Cepheus Engine/Classic Traveller RPG GM’s kitbag. It is astonishing to think about just how much “game” is included within these 153 pages. At $9.99 this is a real bargain for the many hours of play one can get solo or with their regular adventures. Traveller is back with a boom! Based on the 'Classic Traveller' rules set, streamlined and updated for the 21st Century, the Traveller main rulebook will provide everything you need to explore the universes of science fiction settings. Starting with the Original Traveller Universe, Mongoose will quickly be expanding the settings available for this gam.
need it. With the tables of estimated travel times the game would work fine.
I am absolutely convinced that the inclusion of that formula
a) made many people think the game was some sort of Phd-wonk-fest;
b) is 90% of the reason that people think that the original
Traveller rules were defined as some sort of 'Hard Science-Fiction'
Because, let's face it, this is a game with swords, shotguns, psionics, fast and slow drugs, hand-waved faster-than-light travel, the shipping of liquor between worlds as being economically practical, and an animal ecosystem found on every main world.
The moment you take that formula out, all you are left with is planetary romance (Burroughs), romance science-fiction (Jack Vance's
Demon Princes
Planet of Adventure books, Tubb's
Dumarest books) and what I have come to think of as 'historical science-fiction' -- SF that grounded
just enough to feel real, but really adventure tales. (Poul Anderson's
Traveller Rpg Map
Flandry Series, or think of Walter Scott or Alexander Dumas, but instead of looking backward, the author looks forward.)
I conceive 'Historical Science-Fiction' after Walter Scott, who coined the term 'Historical Novel' for his own work, to separate it from the novels set in the here-and-now of his time, that were more about the day-to-day and more mundane matters of money and society. He also considered his work a type of Romance -- again, as distinguished from novel set in contemporary times.
Classic Traveller Rpg
He wrote of the kind of work he made:

'The strong contrast produced by the opposition of ancient manners to those which are gradually subduing them affords the lights and shadows necessary to give effect to a fictitious narrative; and while such a period entitles the author to introduce incidents of a marvellous and improbable character, as arising out of the turbulent independence and ferocity, belonging to old habits of violence, still influencing the manners of a people who had been so lately in a barbarous state; yet, on the other hand, the characters and sentiments of many of the actors may, with the utmost probability, be described with great variety of shading and delineation, which belongs to the newer and more improved period, of which the world has but lately received the light.'
I read that quote and think, 'Well, yeah... that could be original
right there if you wanted.'
I think the impact of that one formula was wildly disproportionate to the it's small size to the rest of the three booklets. I wonder sometimes what people would have made of the game if Miller had not included it.