Part 3: The Jenkins Pipeline. Now that we have our web application and unit tests, we can create a Jenkins CI Pipeline by creating a Jenkinsfile. The Jenkinsfile is a Groovy script, and can use a DSL-like syntax to define our stages and shell instructions. The Jenkinsfile. We’ll have two stages: build and test for our current. Groovy - script - jenkins pipeline git sample Jenkins宣言型パイプラインでメソッドを作成する方法 (3) ジェンキンススクリプトパイプラインでは、メソッドを作成してそれらを呼び出すことができます。. Jenkins Pipeline provides an extensible set of tools for modeling simple-to-complex delivery pipelines “as code”. What is Jenkins File. Jenkinsfile is a text file that contains the definition of a Jenkins Pipeline and is checked into source control. Here I used Groovy language to write this file. Ap a che Groovy is a Java-syntax. #!groovy node stage(' configFile Plugin ') // 'ID' refers to alpha-numeric value generated automatically by Jenkins. // This code snippet assumes that the config file is stored in Jenkins. // help to assign the ID of config file to a variable, this is optional // as ID can be used directly within 'configFileProvider' step too. Def mycfgfile = '. Learn how to use Salesforce DX to develop and manage apps on the Lightning Platform. Explore the entire development life cycle. Set up a project, create a scratch org and source files, synchronize code changes between your org and version control system, continuously test.

My current Jenkins instance I comprised of Multi-configuration jobs/projects (a jenkins job/project for each release branch). Having aprox 8 release branches for each of the 60 projects.

Jenkins Pipeline Groovy Script

On a Jenkins master with global definition of a Shared Library named shared-library, And the following files in a repository: Jenkinsfile node { stage( 'setup' ) { checkout scm } stage( 'pipeline' ) { load( 'Pipeline.groovy' ).run_pipeline() } }

Sample Groovy Script For Jenkins Pipeline Project

For Jenkins environments which have macOS, Windows, or other agents, which are unable to run the Docker daemon, this default setting may be problematic. Pipeline provides a global option in the Manage Jenkins page, and on the Folder level, for specifying which agents (by Label) to use for running Docker-based Pipelines.

On a Jenkins master with global definition of a Shared Library named shared-library, And the following files in a repository: Jenkinsfile node { stage( 'setup' ) { checkout scm } stage( 'pipeline' ) { load( 'Pipeline.groovy' ).run_pipeline() } } I have developed groovy classes in IntelliJ IDE, I want to instantiate one of these classes in 'Pipeline script' of Pipeline plugin in Jenkins. I tried to follow the examples of '' and class.forName

Matthias Baldi added a comment - 2017-01-12 13:13 thx to Mike Kingsbury the following code worked for me groovy file: public groovyFileMethod() { stage( 'build' ) { // do something } } return this ; jenkins file: sh 'wget to git url' def grovvyLib = load 'groovyFile.groovy' groovyLib.groovyFileMethod()

Nov 21, 2016 · To get started, we first create a build.groovy file inside our Java code repository, ideally on a new branch, which we call jenkins. NOTE: Some Plugins, such as the Multibranch Pipeline Plugin require that the pipeline code is in a single file called Jenkinsfile in the repositorie’s root. Groovy vs. YAML. Jenkins Pipelines are based on Groovy, so the pipeline specification is written as code. GitLab works a bit differently, we use the more highly structured YAML format, which places scripting elements inside of script: blocks separate from the pipeline specification itself.

  • Configuration Files¶ With the Jenkins Templating Engine, configuration files are used to populate templates with the information necessary to execute. The configuration file is a groovy file named pipeline_config.groovy that gets placed at the root of the source code repository or within a pipeline configuration repository.
  • Aug 30, 2018 · Archive is how to save files outside workspace. You can clean your workspace, run other builds and the file archieved is safe. Ex: You build the jar/html/js file, this file is important for deploy…

This also works, if you want to stay within the Declarative Pipeline space // declare our vars outside the pipeline def tests = [:] def files pipeline { agent any stages { stage('1') { steps { script { // we've declared the variable, now we give it the values files = findFiles(glob: '**/html/*.html') // Loop through them files.each { f -> // add each object from the 'files' loop to the 'tests ... My current Jenkins instance I comprised of Multi-configuration jobs/projects (a jenkins job/project for each release branch). Having aprox 8 release branches for each of the 60 projects. I am moving over to Pipeline because of a complex workflow and because Multi-configuration does not support a Prebuild-step that I need.--

I have a jenkinsfile dropped into the root of my project and would like to pull in a groovy file for my pipeline and execute it. The only way that I've been able to get this to work is to create a separate project and use the fileLoader.fromGit command. I would like to do . def pipeline = load 'groovy-file-name.groovy' pipeline. pipeline () Pipeline: Groovy. Posted: (3 days ago) load: Evaluate a Groovy source file into the Pipeline script Takes a filename in the workspace and runs it as Groovy source text. The loaded file can contain statements at top level or just load and run a closure.

Configuration Files¶ With the Jenkins Templating Engine, configuration files are used to populate templates with the information necessary to execute. The configuration file is a groovy file named pipeline_config.groovy that gets placed at the root of the source code repository or within a pipeline configuration repository.

Aug 27, 2020 · Jenkins supports many credential types based on your needs. It could be a password, secret file, ssh private key or a token. There could be many use cases to use a groovy script to deal with credentials. Few use cases are You might want to create credentials in the run time.You might want to use a custom groovy code with Active choice parameters.You might want to extend your Jenkins shared ... The declarative flavor of a Jenkins file should produce a more maintainable and structured pipeline file. Additionally, because of the tighter structure, the declarative code maps more tightly to the Jenkins UI rendering of the pipeline. You will have a clean visual representation of where the code is in the pipeline.

This posts will show how to setup IntelliJ for development of Jenkins Groovy Init Scripts and shared libraries, including auto-complete for Jenkins pipeline steps. This is based on my original write-up in this project. NOTE: this setup is NOT intended for Jenkins plugin or core development. Start a new Gradle project. It is best to start a new ...

Jul 29, 2019 · What is Jenkins Pipeline? Jenkins Pipeline is a suite of plugins that supports implementing and integrating continuous delivery pipelines into Jenkins. Jenkins Pipeline is written into a Pipeline script. In Jenkins Pipeline it allows us to fill in details for the different steps of our Jenkins job. Below is the diagram of the Jenkins Pipeline ... On the other hand, Declarative pipelines provide a simplified and more friendly syntax with specific statements for defining them, without needing to learn Groovy. Jenkins' pipeline plugin version ... Aug 27, 2020 · Jenkins supports many credential types based on your needs. It could be a password, secret file, ssh private key or a token. There could be many use cases to use a groovy script to deal with credentials. Few use cases are You might want to create credentials in the run time.You might want to use a custom groovy code with Active choice parameters.You might want to extend your Jenkins shared ... I have a jenkinsfile dropped into the root of my project and would like to pull in a groovy file for my pipeline and execute it. The only way that I've been able to get this to work is to create a separate project and use the fileLoader.fromGit command. I would like to do . def pipeline = load 'groovy-file-name.groovy' pipeline. pipeline ()

  • Configuration Files¶ With the Jenkins Templating Engine, configuration files are used to populate templates with the information necessary to execute. The configuration file is a groovy file named pipeline_config.groovy that gets placed at the root of the source code repository or within a pipeline configuration repository.
  • Aug 20, 2018 · Jenkins and its plugins make the building blocks available for your pipeline tasks via its own programming steps—the Jenkins domain-specific language (DSL). DSL steps When Jenkins started evolving toward the pipeline-as-code model, some of the earliest changes came in the form of a plugin—the workflow plugin.
  • jenkins-jenkinsfile-include. An example of a Jenkins pipeline that includes steps from another file. Useful if you have a single repository that has two different projects that you want to have separate multibranch jobs.
  • Jenkins LTS; Resolution. Using inside a Pipeline description cannot work as the Pipeline it self is executed on the Master when you want to write/read/test a file on the agent, where the build is done. So, Pipeline plugins bring some steps in order to provide those features: readFile to read the content of a file in the workspace
  • Each repository has a file in the root named Jenkinsfile - this is a Groovy file with a special DSL that is used by Jenkins They import each repository as a module or as a project into IntelliJ, where they may or may not use the module per source set functionality because most of them use Gradle

This also works, if you want to stay within the Declarative Pipeline space // declare our vars outside the pipeline def tests = [:] def files pipeline { agent any stages { stage('1') { steps { script { // we've declared the variable, now we give it the values files = findFiles(glob: '**/html/*.html') // Loop through them files.each { f -> // add each object from the 'files' loop to the 'tests ... Adds the ability to provide configuration files (i.e., settings.xml for maven, XML, groovy, custom files, etc.) loaded through the Jenkins UI which will be copied to the job’s workspace. How it works Fantasy football builderGroovy vs. YAML. Jenkins Pipelines are based on Groovy, so the pipeline specification is written as code. GitLab works a bit differently, we use the more highly structured YAML format, which places scripting elements inside of script: blocks separate from the pipeline specification itself. !

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A key component of the Pipeline plugin suite, this provides the standard execution engine for Pipeline steps, based on a custom Groovy interpreter that runs inside the Jenkins master process.

(In principle other execution engines could be supported, with FlowDefinition being the API entry point, but none has been prototyped and it would likely be a very substantial effort to write one.)

Pipeline Groovy script code such as

gets run as a Groovy program, with certain special function calls called steps performing Jenkins-specific operations. In this example the step parallel is defined in this plugin, while node, retry, checkout, and sh are defined in other plugins in the Pipeline suite. The scm global variable is defined in the Pipeline Multibranch plugin.

The Groovy script is compiled to a class named WorkflowScript, so that is the name shown in stack traces instead of the script file-name (e.g. Jenkinsfile).

Unlike a regular Groovy program run from a command line, the complete state of a Pipeline build’s program is saved to disk every time an asynchronous operation is performed, which includes most Pipeline steps. Jenkins may be restarted while a build is running, and will resume running the program where it left off. This is not intended to be efficient, and so should be limited to high-level “glue” code directly related to Jenkins features; your project’s own build logic should be run from external programs on a build node, in a sh or bat step.

Known limitations

Jenkins Groovy Pipeline Script Examples

Sample Groovy Script For Jenkins Pipeline

The Pipeline Groovy epic in JIRA covers some known limitations in the Groovy interpreter. These issues stem from the fact that Pipeline cannot run Groovy directly, but must intercept each operation to save the program state.

The Pipeline Sandbox epic covers issues with the Groovy sandbox used to prevent malicious Pipeline scripts from taking control of Jenkins. Scripts run with the sandbox disabled can make direct calls to Jenkins internal APIs, which can be a useful workaround for missing step functionality, but for security reasons only administrators can approve such scripts.


The Pipeline Snippet Generator epic covers issues with the tool used to provide samples of step syntax based on live configuration forms.


This plugin was previously the 'Workflow CPS plugin' or 'Workflow Groovy Plugin'. Accordingly it has the Maven artifactIdworkflow-cps, not pipeline-groovy.

Technical design

The plugin uses the Groovy CPS library to implement a continuation-passing style transformation on the program as it is compiled. The standard Groovy compiler is used to create the AST, but generation of bytecode is intercepted by a CompilationCustomizer which replaces most operations with variants that throw a special “error”, CpsCallableInvocation. This is then caught by the engine, which uses information from it (such as arguments about to be passed to a method call) to pass control on to the next continuation.

Pipeline scripts may mark designated methods with the annotation @NonCPS. These are then compiled normally (except for sandbox security checks), and so behave much like “binary” methods from the Java Platform, Groovy runtime, or Jenkins core or plugin code. @NonCPS methods may safely use non-Serializable objects as local variables, though they should not accept nonserializable parameters or return or store nonserializable values. You may not call regular (CPS-transformed) methods, or Pipeline steps, from a @NonCPS method, so they are best used for performing some calculations before passing a summary back to the main script. Note in particular that @Overrides of methods defined in binary classes, such as Object.toString(), should in general be marked @NonCPS since it will commonly be binary code calling them.

Sample Groovy Script For Jenkins Pipeline Free

Some kinds of objects are intrinsically not safe to serialize as such, yet we want to retain a reference to them in the program graph. An example is the Executor (~ executor slot on a master or agent node) which is part of the context passed by a node step to any step in its block, especially sh/bat. Pipeline uses the Pickle API to substitute serialization-safe versions of these objects. When a WorkflowRun is loaded from disk after a restart, the program state is deserialized, and pickles are deserialized (“rehydrated”) in parallel. If and when all pickles are successfully deserialized and the resulting objects placed back in the program state, the program begins running again, and StepExecution.onResume is called to restore timers and the like.

All program logic is run inside a “CPS VM thread”, which is just a Java thread pool that can run binary methods and figure out which continuation to do next. The parallel step uses “green threads” (also known as coöperative multitasking): it records logical thread (~ branch) names for various actions, but does not literally run them simultaneously. The program may seem to perform tasks concurrently, but only because most steps run asynchronously, while the VM thread is idle, and they may overlap in time. No Java thread is consumed except during the typically brief intervals when Groovy code is actually being run on the VM thread. The executor widget only displays an entry for the “flyweight” executor on the master node when the VM thread is busy; normally it is hidden.